We are aware that protecting your finances and protecting you from fraud should come first. The ability to handle your money without being concerned about unwanted access is crucial. Because of this, CIBC has a tool that allows you to temporarily lock your card. Just keep reading, though.
Exactly how can I lock my CIBC debit card?
There is one small issue: CIBC debit cards cannot be locked. The only item where the lock and unlock feature is usable is a credit card. In order to find the credit card information if you lose this card, go to CIBC Online or Mobile Banking.
Lock CIBC Debit Card
What alternatives do you have, though, if you can’t lock your CIBC debit card? So let us teach you what you can do to protect your debit card. There are options available to you if you wind up losing the card to obtain a new one.
Report your CIBC Debit Card and obtain a replacement as soon as possible.
Since you cannot lock your debit card yourself, you must file a police complaint if you are certain that you have misplaced it. A CIBC employee will terminate the card for you after speaking with you about what happened to it. It is risky to leave your lost card active, therefore don’t wait a few days to do this.
Within a few days of the cancellation, you will get a replacement. Also, don’t worry! Anyone attempting to use your old card will be ineffective because it no longer functions.
Tips for Keeping Your CIBC Debit Card Safe

Locking credit cards might be helpful if you misplace them or if you suspect someone is watching you to steal your information. Unfortunately, locking CIBC debit cards is not the same as doing so; you must be vigilant about every purchase you make.
You must keep sensitive information private, such as your card number, PIN, and CCV (Card Verification Value). Cover the keypad while typing if you are using an ABM or a merchant’s terminal to input your card.
The most dangerous issue is skimming devices, if there is one. Following a swipe or insert into a terminal, this copies the card number. We advise searching the area for suspicious objects and obscuring the view when entering your PIN to prevent this sort of occurrence.
Debit card fraud notifications are something else to be on the lookout for. CIBC will notify you and request confirmation of your identity if there has been an unusual movement in your account.
The following two articles, depending on the kind of card you have, may be helpful as a last suggestion: Instructions for Locking a CIBC Credit Card and Reporting a Lost CIBC Debit Card