JK Employee Salary Slip 2024, J&K PaySys Download From jkpaysys.gov.in

E-salary Login @jkpaysys gov.in, JK Paysys – J&K Employee Salary Slip Download, On the PayManager J&K website, all administrative representatives of Jammu and Kashmir may view and download their monthly JKPaysys pay slips. To do this, you must sign up on the CPIS website and obtain your employee ID number. After logging in, you may access the JKPaysys Pay Slip 2022 and the JK Police Salary Slip online. The Employee Code and appropriate JK Payslip months and years are required here.

J&K PaySys

The Jammu Kashmir state’s Finance Department used the Centralized Personnel Information System (CPIS) to their advantage. This lets state government representatives view their employee pay Slips and other crucial business information online. The amount of paperwork has greatly minimized thanks to the internet-based method. The Jammu and Kashmir State government centers provide a vital way to communicate the pay rates throughout numerous government offices after allocating a Unique Employee Identification Number (UEIN). Their username is also their UEIN number. This would after that let the particular customer to access the CPIS worker website and get their most recent Jammu and Kashmir Employee.

JK Employee Salary Slip

Details required to download a JKPaysys pay slip, Each employee should follow the instructions below to view and download the Jammu and Kashmir representative payslip. Without it, the CPIS won’t permit any unauthorized clients to use their website.

  • You must have a username to access Jammu Kashmir CPIS following employee registration.
  • Your passphrase
  • The current email address used to register on the CPIS website

Online Login for JK Paysys Pay Slip Portal (J&K Salary Login)

  • First, go to the following website: jkcpis.nic.in This will direct you to the website page for the Centralized Personnel Information System (CPIS).
  • Navigating to the Login Box on the landing page’s right side would be best.
  • Enter your username and password now.
  • After that, type the manual test code precisely as it appears in the box.
  • Next, select the Login button.
  • Next, choose Payslip to access the module for creating payslips.
  • Choose the Year and Month from the dropdown menu now.
  • Finally, choose Generate option.
  • Similarly, your screen will display the payslip for the selected month for the Jammu and Kashmir representative. It is available for download and saving for later use.

How to Download an e-Salary Slip from JKPaysys

Online JKPaysys Pay Slip downloads are relatively simple. Your Employee Number is required. The following new approach allows you to download the necessary Payslip:

  • Check out https://jkpaysys.gov.in/salaryslip.aspx, the official website.
  • Type in the special Employee Code that the Jammu Kashmir Government provided for you.
  • Next, please enter your first name exactly as it appears on the representative records.
  • After that, choose the month and financial year. Choose any required fiscal year (FY) from 2015 and the corresponding MF from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter the check code after that. You need to enter the check code precisely. Reload the page to create a new code if you encounter any errors.
  • Press the submit button to finish. Your JKPaysys Pay Slip will appear on your screen as a result. According to your requirements, print or download the JK Police Salary Pay Slip.

The online method has significantly reduced manual labour. To get the JK Paysys Pay Slip from the Jammu and Kashmir Government’s online site, follow the instructions on this page. Thanks to this, employees will be able to use the worker page in CPIS and get their most current JK Paysys Pay Slip.

Important Links:

Official WebsiteClick Here
PayslipClick Here 
Contact E-mailcpis-jk@nic.in